What guideline should a reader follow?

If you practice with this book at home, try to arrange two PC with two NIC cards each. It is not essential as each daemon of UNIX comes with testing utility, which helps to test service from the local machine. But two PC will give you confidence and satisfaction.

You are advised to read every chapter one after another as written in the book as this book is sequential.

Browse the CD ROM carefully so that no objects remain unseen.  It will help you a lot for taking decisions.

Plan an imaginary network according to “Planning and Designing” Section.  Draw it using any drawing software and print it out (primarily you can photocopy our network layout from the book). Tie each part of the network sequentially at your practice premises. It will help you to come out from confusions.

Install your OS selecting all packages at practice period. Because as a new administrator, it is difficult for you to determine which package is required and which one is not.

When you are going to configure a device, configure it according to the book for the first time. Don’t read device manual, if it is not required (or if not instructed in that chapter to see the manual). After finishing the first configuration, see the device manual to know further details. If you see the manual and the book simultaneously you might get confused.

Try RPM version of each software for the first time deployment. Because source code distributions (.tar.gz/.taz packages) requires some additional effort to compile the software. You might fail to do all at the very first time. When you are confident with the utility, play with source code. Use source code for the first time, when this recommends only.

Never practice more than one task at one go, if it is not related. Take a small break and start again.

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