How would reader ask for more help?

Appendix contains a long list of further resources. Browse that list carefully before asking someone. Remember one thing, most of the time students make mistakes at the time of typing commands and writing configuration files. So check it ten times and tally it with your reference.

Register yourself with Sufi & Associates website http://www.sufi-associates.com. as member. We continuously send e-mail on different topics to our members to develop their technical skills. Our mailing list will help you to find out answers.

If you fail to do the task investing all effort, send an e-mail to Sufi & Associates voluntary support team ispman.support@sufi-associates.com. Or send a mail to me contact/@/sufifaruq.com. You can send a request mail to any consultant, listed in the APPENDIX.

If you need a frequent online help, you can purchase “Paid-Support” service from Sufi & Associates. We provide commercial phone, chat and email support commercial.support@sufi-associates.com.

When you are sending mail to someone or a community, write your subject and mail body carefully. No professional will spend a single second for opening the message, if it comes with blank (or confusing) subject. Nowadays everyone has to deal with big amount of mail traffic. If you are asking about some error, embed that error message (the message exactly generated by system) into the email. Do not forget to specify your OS, Device, Software and Kernel Version.

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